Utah Avalanche Center

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Big Mac

Pit dug on a representative adjacent slope to HS-N-R2-D3-O in West Monitor Bowl the day prior. Similar slab depth, similar weak layer. ECTP 30+ aligns with PST 60/150 (end) down 20. It is getting difficult to trigger these large slides but if you do there is great destructive potential.

Coyote Glade

Pit is in sheltered area right at tree line. Active and previous wind loading on adjacent and nearby slopes. High winds and very active wind loading above tree line. Pit was dug near an old avalanche in Coyote Chute. A widespread cycle occurred on Dec 10 with slabs failing 2'3' deep on the basal faceted layer. This layer has been increasingly non-reactive over the past two weeks.

Chutes and Ladders NE

This pit location was chosen to be representative of mid elevation NE terrain. 40 cm of advanced facets exist near the ground. Structure is a big red flag but time since loading has increased stability. For Now...Block failed after 30+ taps.


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