Unaffiliated / Individual

E Face, Jackson Peak

*NOTE: THIS PIT IS BEFORE THE 12/22-23 STORM EVENT. Upper elevations in GVs can have significant wind-loading, with cross-loading from both North and South. With sufficient slab formation, propagation possible in existing Dec. layers, although conditions are mostly stable. Crust(s) at Nov./Dec. interface could be good sliding surface, but bonding to crust is better than expected. November snowpack, although partially faceted, has no obvious weak or sliding layers and is stable.

Grizzly Gulch

Pit dug in wind drifted gully. Not ideal but necessary to get enough snow for pit excercise. I got pushed into the drift to make room for others.

Manitoba Mtn-Low

Pit location at hemlock treeline on leeward slope protected from E winds. Winds 15-20 mph, with higher gusts. 4-6 inches of new snow on top of recent rain crust from 12/13-14 warm storm. wet/saturated snowpack beneath rain crust trending to moist all the way to the ground. Soft wind slabs forming on W-NW slopes above treeline and leeward of small features at this elevation.

Manitoba Mtn

Pit on NW shoulder approximately 200' ft from ridge. No obvious signs of instability or recent avalanches noted on this aspect. Approximately 6-8" of new snow in past 2 days above 2,200 ft. Stout rain crust to 2,200 ft from 12/13-15 storm with wet snowpack underneath. Near-surface rain crust becomes breakable 2,200-2,600 ft and disappears by 2,800 ft. Prominent older rain crust 60cm down, but well-bonded to snow above and below. Could not initiate failure on this slope angle.


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