Unaffiliated / Individual

Camp Bird Road

Suspect error in temperature readings. Pit location is along side of road which sees traffic from skier/hikers, possibly impacting snow conditions. Recent snowfall of 12+ inches created storm snow concern on top layer. Otherwise snowpack was fairly compact slab on depth hoar.

Pyramid crown profile

Depths are along the face of the crown (perpendicular to slope). The weak layer above the sliding surface was very subtle and hard to detect. We estimate the sliding surface formed in Mid Dec. See accompanying field observation notes.

Pro 1 Pit Submission

Dug a full profile pit for practice. Neglected to measure PS and PF. Was focused on identifying layers, hand-hardness, and snow grains and neglected get a full temperature profile. Incomplete and likely inaccurate because of possible misreading of dial on thermometer Did not have time to perform an ECT in this pit. Made a mistake when measuring depths of tests. Uncertain how accurate they are. Definitely learning...


Näin syviä lumipeitteitä vain painanteissa ja muissa erityisissä maastonmuodoissa jonne tuuli sitä kuljettanut. Samoin myös paksu kovempi kerros (20-45) roundsia vain paikoitellen löydettävissä.


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