Utah Avalanche Center

Agrega un nuevo grupo para compartir tus snowpits: 

Farmington Lakes

This profile was taken about 100 feet north of the flank of fatal avalanche. We did not do a crown profile because there was too much hangfire. The weak layer was a layer of very light snow that faceted slightly between Christmas and New Years. Ten days ago and 5 miles south, we consistently got ECTP5 to ECTP15 on this layer. In the same area 5 days ago we got inconsistent ECT results, the ones that were ECTP had scores in the low 20s. In this pit the ECTN fractured across half the column.

Second Gully

We reevaluated our route, and chose lower angled terrain because we found suspect poor snow structure with ski pole plants plunging through weak snow to the ground.


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