Utah Avalanche Center

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Grizzly Gulch2

Facets just above the Thanksgiving crust surprised me how readily they popped with only light wrist taps in the ECT. This layer isn't everywhere because strong winds blew before it was capped with new snow on Dec 3. These winds likely removed this layer on top of the crust. No matter, the next week of high pressure and cold temps will create more weak layers and facets.

Grizzly Gulch1

Nothing notable in this pit except old except there was only 5 cm of old, hard snow. It will be interesting to see if snow on this aspect (SW) develops nsf's this week during high pressure and cold air temperatures.

Wolf Creek Summit

It was difficult to find both a slab and weak layer. This was a wind loaded spot and had some weak snow at the ground. Other places lacked a slab but had weaker snow near the ground. I suspect you could still trigger an avalanche in a few places. Certainly you could other places at slightly higher elevation that had more early season snow, colder temperatures and more wind with the most recent storm.


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