Colorado Avalanche Information Center

Big Giant Arrastra

Pit dug near recent WS-N-R2,D2-O from late the day before. Surface had refrozen but sub surface was still moist and weak. Transition into spring regime is only affecting the surface and the ample weak faceted snow closer to the ground is still significant.

Irene's Cement Creek

With Ann Mellick. Pit is an example of an emerging and evolving persistent weak layer. Some northeast aspects at all elevations are shallow. Where HS is around 120cm the lower half is 2mm facets mid pack and 3mm depth hoar. This location has a small, isolated slab on top. The slab is made up of multiple snow and wind events, now settled into the top 40cm. ECTP 21 @ 45 and CT 11 SC at 45 suggest that where this structure exists, stabilty is poor. So far this is still isolated as many of these shallow areas just dont have much of a slab on top.


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