Tahoe National Forest Sierra Avalanche Center

Mt. Lola

Pit dug near treeline adjacent to an avalanche path. Good strength gains on the Dec 11 layer at this location.

Silver Peak

Pit dug off of ascent ridge to Silver Peak in open below treeline terrain. This location in the past has shown some of the more advanced faceting of the Dec 11 PWL in this area. This layer continues to slowly gain strength.

Pickett Peak

Pit dug on near treeline slope in an area protected from wind loading. Jumping up and down on skis above the pit triggered a large collapse.

Carpenter Ridge

Snowpit dug next to remotely triggered persistent slab avalanche on Dec 27 failing on Dec 11 pwl. Today, improved stability on Dec 11 layer, but still concern with next large loading event. NCF's have developed on a rain crust from the Dec 25 storm system, they are still reactive at this location. This has also been seen with another avalanche at Webber Peak over the weekend with large propagation failing on top of this crust.


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