Online Snowpits query page

This page is intended for snow scientists to query the snowpits that have been added to the online database. This page does not query for snowpits entered via the installed application, for that go to the AvScience Query page

After finding parameters acceptable for your uses, you may use the XML Feed link at the bottom of this page to subscribe to a feed.

Uses 'contains'. Only Partial match needed.
Multi select
Filter by Date Range
E.g., 2024-07-03
format Y-m-d
E.g., 2024-07-03
format Y-m-d
Proximity Search
Proximity search allows you to search for snowpit profiles NEAR a known snowpit. Snowpit node ID is this last numerical part of this url:
towers 5
New Zealand >> Treble Cone
llewellyn murdoch
2023-07-15 12:15:00
New Zealand >> Harris
2023-07-15 12:00:00
New Zealand >> Treble Cone
llewellyn murdoch
2023-07-15 11:30:00
Sunset Blvd
New Zealand >> Richardsons
2023-07-15 11:00:00
Preseason Mercury Pit
New Zealand >> Nelson Lakes
2023-07-14 15:25:00
Villegüitas Oeste
Argentina >> Bariloche Alrrededores
2023-07-14 14:45:00
QH3 mid slope
New Zealand >> Treble Cone
llewellyn murdoch
2023-07-14 14:30:00
Pre season pit
New Zealand >> Nelson Lakes
2023-07-14 14:30:00
Eagles Nest Middle
New Zealand >> Remarkables Range
Remarks Snow Safety
2023-07-14 14:00:00
towers 3
New Zealand >> Treble Cone
llewellyn murdoch
2023-07-14 11:00:00

Showing results 931 through 940 of total: 28934
